Review Policy
Last updated 6/1/2021
In order to build a platform of trust, we need to ensure that reviews on Collllor are useful, informative, and do not expose our community to harm. Therefore, Collllor expects that all reviews adhere to the following:
1. Reviews should not violate our content policy.
Some content is never allowed on Collllor. Read Collllor’s Content Policy.
2. Reviews should be unbiased.
Reviews are most helpful when they provide unbiased information. Therefore, we don't allow individuals or entities who own or are affiliated with an order to post reviews of their business, nor do we allow individuals who are confirmed to offer competing listings or experiences to post reviews of their direct competitors.
You are not allowed to incentivize positive reviews, to use the threat of a negative review to manipulate the desired outcome, or to influence another’s review with the promise of compensation.
You are also not allowed to accept fake orders in exchange for a positive review, use a second account to leave yourself a review, or coordinate with business partners to get positive reviews.
3. Reviews should be relevant.
Keep your reviews relevant to Collllor and your order and service experience. Other vendors (here sellers) and buyers are reading your reviews to learn about the sellers and listing. Reviews that are off-topic are distracting and don’t help our buyers make informed ordering decisions. For this reason, reviews should focus on your interactions with sellers and your order experience.
To keep reviews relevant, we recommend avoiding the following:
- Commentary about a person’s social, political or religious views
- Profanity, name calling, and assumptions about a person’s character or personality
- Content that refers to circumstances entirely outside of another’s control
- Content about services not related to Collllor
- Commentary about past Collllor orders, sellers, or about the Collllor product where it does not relate to the order or seller you are rating
When we receive a report of a review that violates this policy, we may remove the review from our platform. Repeated violations may lead to suspension or permanent deactivation of responsible account(s).
Reporting a review that violates this policy
To report a review for violating Collllor’s review policy, contact us.
If you feel a review is untrue
While we encourage and expect all users to post reviews that contain objective and accurate information, Collllor does not mediate disputes concerning truth or fairness. We expect the author of the review to stand behind the content of their review.
4. How we moderate reviews
Moderating for bias
Our users benefit most when reviews present an unbiased picture of the user’s experience. Collllor removes reviews when they exhibit inappropriate bias - for example, because the reviewer is attempting to extort the person being reviewed, has a conflict of interest, or competes with the person being reviewed.
Extortion or incentivization
Any attempt to use reviews or review responses to force a person to do something they aren’t obligated to do is a misuse of reviews, and we don’t allow it.
People who use Collllor aren’t allowed to tie positive reviews to promises of compensation or to threaten negative reviews if the desired outcome is not met. Violations may result in the restriction, suspension, or termination of your Collllor account.
This policy prohibits:
- Buyers threatening to use reviews or ratings in an attempt to force a seller to provide refunds, compensation or services, or a reciprocal positive review.
- Sellers requiring a buyer to leave a positive review or rating, or to revise a review in exchange for a partial or full refund, or a reciprocal review. Sellers also cannot offer a free service in exchange for a buyer revising an existing review.
- Sellers or buyers asking someone to take specific actions related to a review in exchange for the resolution of a dispute.
This policy does not prohibit:
- A buyer from contacting a seller with a problem prior to leaving a review.
- A seller or buyer seeking refunds or additional payment and leaving a review - where that review is not used as a threat to sway the outcome of a resolution.
- A seller from asking a buyer to leave an honest positive review or rating reflecting a positive experience.
- A seller or buyer from revising a review within the time constraints for revision.
When things go wrong with an order, buyers have two options: they may request compensation or reprint, and they may also share their experiences publicly in a review. In order to encourage fair dispute resolution and an unbiased review system, buyers must be able to use both of these tools.
We will remove reviews in situations where we can determine that one party has attempted to extort the other to manipulate the content of the review. Additionally, if the review left after a dispute violates any of our content policies - for instance, it contains discriminatory content or a violent threat) - the review will also be removed.
Conflict of interest
We will remove reviews where there are signals that the order was made for the sole purpose of inflating a person’s overall rating, or where we suspect that the order never occurred.
Accepting fake orders in exchange for a positive review, using a second account to review yourself or your own listing, or providing something of value in exchange for positive reviews, are not allowed. Violations may result in the restriction, suspension or termination of your Collllor account.
Competitor reviews
Reviews written by competitors - for example competing businesses,- for the purpose of dissuading others from ordering those services is not allowed. Violations may result in the restriction, suspension or termination of your Collllor account.
Moderating for relevance
Reviews provide platform users with information and insights that help them make better ordering decisions. Reviews are most helpful when reviewers accurately recount their experience and provide their honest opinions.
Where a review contains information that is unrelated to an experience as a seller or buyer or is focused on something beyond the control of the person being reviewed, our moderation team will weigh the relevance of the review by assessing:
- Does the review recount the reviewer's experience and provide their personal perspective?
- Is the review helpful to other members of the Collllor platform? Does it provide essential information about a seller or buyer, listing, or experience that would help others make more informed ordering decisions?
If Collllor determines that the review contains no relevant information about a seller, or listing, or service, the review will be removed. Reviews that contain mostly irrelevant information are also subject to removal, but only where the otherwise relevant information would not be expected to meaningfully inform the ordering decisions of other users.
Moderating for canceled orders
Collllor does not allow reviews for any order canceled before the order was accepted and approved by both seller and buyer, and moved into In Production.