Collllor Supplier Onboarding Forms

Updated 3/2/2022


 W-8 or W-9 Form

Note that this is a multi-page document. Please download the relevant document, fill it out, and upload here. This document needs to be uploaded as a PDF.

The W-9 is to be completed by US based suppliers while the W-8 is to be completed by non-US based international suppliers. Please only upload the relevant document.

A template for the W-9 form (to be downloaded) can be accessed here: Template W-9 Form

A template for the W-8 form (to be downloaded) can be accessed here: Template W-8 Form


 Supplier Profile

Note that this is a multi-page document. Please download this document, fill it out, and upload here. This document needs to be uploaded as a PDF.

A template for the Supplier Profile form (to be downloaded) can be accessed here: Template Supplier Profile Form


 Supplier Code of Conduct

Note that this is a single-page document. Please download this document, fill it out, and upload here. This document needs to be uploaded as a PDF.

A template for the Supplier Code of Conduct form (to be downloaded) can be accessed here: Template Supplier Code of Conduct Form